Ted Bundy: The Politician

​As the United States comes to the end of yet another sensational presidential election, it's important to remember that often many members of our political system hide parts of themselves from the public. How many scandals have disgraced someone we thought trust-worthy? We read articles about various well-respected women and men who weren't at all... Continue Reading →

Ted Bundy -Quintessential Lust Killer

The term "lustmorder" or "lust murder" in English, was coined in the 19th century by German psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing, after decades of studying sex criminals in local asylums. Lust murder is defined by Wikipedia as "a homicide in which the offender searches for erotic satisfaction by killing someone." In fact, many of us assume that the... Continue Reading →

Bundy Quote Analyzed

"I don't like being locked up for something I didn't do, and I don't like my liberty taken away, and I don't like being treated like an animal, and I don't like people walking around and ogling me like I'm some sort of weirdo, because I'm not."  Long before Ted Bundy admitted to committing several... Continue Reading →

Now ThAt’S Crazy-

Amazing poem about our old pal, Ted!

The writer's blogk

Ted Bundy Ted Bundy

Our monsters don’t look

like monsters

There is no way to tell

If they’ll share a slice of Heaven

or bring the hate of Hell

They don’t all have dangerous killer looks

they are not all uneducated and despise books

Look at Ted, a prime example

of a learned man who was extremely harmful

Ted Bundy, yes

he was an educated man

but not smart enough

to avoid the hang man

Then there’s really insane

Like Mr Ed Gein

who danced in the moonlight with his mother’s skin on his face

 © Kait King, 2015

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Bundy and the Electric Chair

[Thanks to Rob T. for suggesting this topic] Throughout human history, punishment by death has been used as disciplinary action against those convicted of gruesome or outrageous crimes. In the United States, unlike other countries, capital punishment is only utilized against those convicted of murder in the 1st degree. In a 2010 Gallup poll, 64% of Americans... Continue Reading →

The “Ted Murders”

It has always astounded me that Bundy used his real name when introducing himself to victims. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if the victims were isolated, but when he was seeking out women at Lake Sammamish in the summer of 1974, he gave his name to several women. Most of those women... Continue Reading →

Rose By Any Other Name

A lot of people have asked me about Ted Bundy's daughter with his wife, Carole. Rose Bundy was born in October 1981 and was the spitting image of her father. Raiford prison does not allow conjugal visits, so a lot of people have posited theories regarding how Carole got pregnant. The most popular theory is... Continue Reading →


*As I have noted, this blog is being written to explore the nature and psychology of one of America’s most violent and brutal serial killers. I welcome any and all responses that want to debate or discuss this aspect of Bundy’s nature. I intend to pay tribute to and honor the memories of all of his victims. Please join me in honest debate and discussion and please no hate speech toward the victims. Thanks, Em.

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